Patents and U.S. Customs – Harris Bricken Sliwoski LLP

This is the last installment in our multipart series created to assistance suitable holders and importers much…

Copyrights and U.S. Customs, Part 1

We are happy to existing the second installment in a multipart collection built to aid right…

Customs Bulletin Weekly, Vol. 56, November 2, 2022, No. 43

Beneath is a recap for this week’s Custom’s Bulletin. Elimination of Customs Broker District Allow Rate…

Copyrights and U.S. Customs, Part 2

This post is the second part of the second installment in a multipart series designed to…

Customs and Weekly Trade Snapshot

Here is a recap of the latest customs and international trade law news:      …

Customs Bulletin Weekly, Vol. 56, October 26, 2022, No. 42

Underneath is a recap for this week’s Custom’s Bulletin. Period of Admission and Extensions of Keep…