Politics Podcast: How The ’90s Shaped Today’s GOP

In the popular understanding of American history, President Ronald Reagan’s tenure in office marked the beginning of a new era for the Republican Party and American politics. His presidency served as a blueprint for subsequent GOP politicians and even helped inspire a tack to the center amongst the New Democrats.

But in “Partisans: The Conservative Revolutionaries Who Remade American Politics In The 1990s,” historian Nicole Hemmer argues that Reagan’s presidency is better understood as the end of a political era in the GOP.

In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, Galen Druke talks to Hemmer about her new book and her study of post-Reagan GOP figures like Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.

You can listen to the episode by clicking the “play” button in the audio player above or by downloading it in iTunes, the ESPN App or your favorite podcast platform. If you are new to podcasts, learn how to listen.

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