State Treasury, MDHS team up to return $1.7 million in unclaimed money to Mississippi children | Mississippi News

Past-due child support cases matched against Treasury database to benefit 10,000 families.

The State Treasury and Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) announced they have teamed up to return $1.7 million in unclaimed money to families with unpaid child support.

Treasurer David McRae explained this new policy puts Mississippi’s kids first. 

“If you are behind making your child support payments, know the State Treasury will return any cash we find in your name to your kids first,” McRae said. “It’s the right thing to do. I applaud Senators Walter Michel and Nicole Boyd for championing this effort in the legislature and thank MDHS Director Bob Anderson for working with me to return $1.7 million. Because of this good work, I am hopeful this money can be put to good use by families this holiday season.”

MDHS Executive Director Bob Anderson said this collaboration is a great example of government officials working together to the benefit of Mississippi children.

“We are grateful to the state legislature for granting us the authority to return unclaimed money to families with unpaid child support and to our partners in the State Treasurer’s office for working closely with us to successfully implement this new process,” Anderson stated. 

This project is the result of Senate Bill 2319, which authorized the Treasurer’s Office to complete the match and distribute the funds in collaboration with MDHS. State Senators Walter Michel and Nicole Boyd sponsored the legislation.

Senator Michel said he is glad to have worked with Treasurer McRae on this important legislation.

“It is great that funds required to go to child support are being distributed for their intended purposes,” Michel continued.

Senator Boyd said she is proud to work alongside Senator Michel, Treasurer McRae and Director Anderson to make sure Mississippi kids are given every opportunity possible.

“I am thrilled these funds can finally be directed to where they truly belong,” Boyd said.

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